Creating a Cell-Shop

A cellshop is a cell owned by a player which is used as a shop. Chests are being used as shelves. In a shop you can both buy or sell items. In order to create a cell-shop:

1 Rent a cell
2 Type /cellshop buy [shopname]
3 Place a chest with an empty sign
4 Hold the item you want to sell (can also be multiple in case of stackable items)
5 In case of selling: type /bm makesign [price]
In case of buying: type /bm buysign [price]
6 Right-click on the empty sign on the chest

Shop Icon

To change the shop icon: /cellshop seticon


Time to advertise your sellshop. Announcements are made in public chat. You can create the announcement via /cellshop setannouncement and announce it in chat via /cellshop announce

Finding other cell-shops

To see all cellshops go to /bm and then click at the left apple at the bottom with "cellshops". An alternative way is /cellshop open

Re-rent your own cell-shop

Cellshops expire after a week. So to keep your cellshop you have to rerent them. To rerent your cellshop go to /bm -> cellshops -> right click on your own cellshop to rerent.